Serial Hall and Car Call Boards
Serial Hall and Car Call Boards
PC boards can be damaged by Electrostatic Discharge (ESD). Use a properly grounded wrist
strap when touching PC boards. Do not touch PC Boards unless you are properly grounded.
Hall Calls
Element controllers use serial hall calls. A four-wire drop from the controller provides a connec-
tion point for SC-3HN boards that in turn provide analog inputs and outputs for the hall call
buttons and LEDs. Refer to the drawings package for connection instructions to your fixtures.
Figure 1.1 SC-3HN Three Input Serial Hall Call Node Board
General Installation
All SC-3HN connections are at one end of the board. One board is installed in each hall call
panel electrical box. Refer to the job prints.
1. Make connections to the hall call buttons and indicators. (See job prints.)
2. Make connections to the signal/power drop.
3. Verify floor number and door (F/R) location,
Floor Number and Front or Rear Opening
4. Verify riser assignment,
5. Last board on wire drop only: Place a jumper on JP5. All other boards: Ensure jumper
NOT placed across JP5 pins,
6. Insert board in anti-static sleeves and tape closed using supplied ESD sticker.
7. Tuck bag/board into electrical box and re-install hall call.
Entry / Floor
Riser Identification
JP5, CAN Bus termina-
tion. Place across pins
ONLY on last board
connected to a wire
ON LED, green
FLT LED, red