1-58 Manual # 42-02-2P26
ETS-LS (Magnets detected by the landing system)
Recommended for redun-
dancy to the physical (cam-operated) or virtual ETSL switches where reduced stroke buffers are
used. May also be used as a backup for ETS limits where full-stroke buffers are used.
14. Using the greater of the two position distances determined in step 6, place the ETS
(striped magnets) as follows (refer to Figure 1.11.); position the UETS striped magnet by
measuring from the center of the top floor door zone magnet to the top edge of the UETS
striped magnet. Position the DETS striped magnet by measuring from the center of the
bottom floor door zone magnet to the bottom edge of the DETS striped magnet.
15. Select CONFIG 02 > ETS SWITCHES. Select U/DETS-LS OVERSPEED and enter the
sum of the highest of the two speed values determined in step 6 plus 10 fpm. Also set U/
After completing pertinent procedures above, make multi-floor and one-floor runs into both
terminals. Verify correct landing at the terminal floors.
NTS/ETSL Switches with Reduced Stroke Buffers
ETS-LS (Magnets detected by the landing system)
Use this procedure where
ETS-LS magnets are used as a backup to virtual or physical ETSL switches.
1. Place the car on MACHINE RM INSPECTION (INSP/NORM switch = INSP), and move
the car to the bottom terminal landing.
2. Select CONFIG 02 > ETS SWITCHES. Verify/set U/DETS-LS OPTION = NO and U/
DETS OPTION = VIRTUAL. Press SAVE, if changes were made, and EXIT.
NEXT twice. Enter the value for ETS% for Contract Speed (091). Press ENTER.
4. Press NEXT twice. The car will travel up to learn the top terminal limits. Press NEXT
again. The car will travel down to learn the bottom terminal limits.
5. At the end of the learn operation, observe and record UETS position ____ inches and
speed ____ FPM. Also record DETS position____ inches and speed____ FPM.
6. Using the greater of the two position distances determined in step 5, place the ETS
(striped magnets) as follows (refer to Figure 1.11.); position the UETS striped magnet by
measuring from the center of the top floor door zone magnet to the top edge of the UETS
striped magnet. Position the DETS striped magnet by measuring from the center of the
bottom floor door zone magnet to the bottom edge of the DETS striped magnet.
7. Select CONFIG 02 > ETS SWITCHES. Select U/DETS-LS OVERSPEED and enter the
sum of the highest of the two speed values determined in step 5 plus 10 fpm. Also set U/
Virtual NTS/ETSL (Landing system position count)
Proceed to the Virtual
NTS/ETS instruction for full stroke buffers and perform steps 1 through 7.
Physical ETSL (Cam-operated switches)
If the primary ETSL switches are physi-
cal cam-operated switches, proceed to the Physical ETS instruction for full stroke buffers above
and perform steps 9 through 13.
After completing pertinent procedures above, make multi-floor and one-floor runs into both
terminals. Verify correct landing at the terminal floors.