Configuration and Troubleshooting
2-10 Manual # 42-02-2P26
ETS Switches
U/DETS-LS Option
: Select whether these switches are used on this job.
U/DETS-LS Overspeed
: This is the speed, in feet per minute, which the
car must be below when opening the Emergency Terminal LS Switch.
U/DETS Option
: Select whether these switches are physical or virtual (in
UETS Speed
: This is the speed, in feet per minute, which the car must be
below when opening the Up Emergency Terminal Switch. This value, plus
the value of the UETS Delta Speed settings, must not exceed 95% of Con-
tract Speed.
UETS Delta Speed
: Delta Speed provides an “adder” to UETS speed. UETS
speedand Delta speed together may not exceed 95% of contract speed. Ini-
tially, calculate the Delta as 95% of Contract Speed - Learned Speed @
switch = Delta value.
UETS Distance
: Distance in inches from the top terminal floor level posi-
tion at which the UETS switch is positioned. Learned value.
UETS Delta Distance
: Distance in inches on either side of the UETS posi-
tion inside which the car must detect the switch. If the switch is not
detected within this span, the car will perform an emergency stop. Gener-
ally set to 6.0 inches.
DETS Speed
: This is the speed, in feet per minute, which the car must be
below when opening the Down Emergency Terminal Switch. This value, plus
the value of the DETS Delta Speed settings, must not exceed 95% of Con-
tract Speed.
DETS Delta Speed
: Delta Speed provides an “adder” to DETS speed. DETS
speed and Delta speed together may not exceed 95% of contract speed. Ini-
tially, calculate the Delta as 95% of Contract Speed - Learned Speed @
switch = Delta value.
DETS Distance
: Distance in inches from the bottom terminal floor level
position at which the DETS switch is positioned. Learned value.
DETS Delta Distance
: Distance in inches on either side of the DETS posi-
tion inside which the car must detect the switch. If the switch is not
detected within this span, the car will perform an emergency stop. Generally
set to 6.0 inches.
Table 2.1 Touchscreen Organization and Content