Configuration and Troubleshooting
2-84 Manual # 42-02-2P26
SPA: UETS Speed High (428)
Traction only. SPA reports the car was travelling faster than the learned
speed plus the delta upon encountering the Up Emergency Terminal
Speed switch. Car will perform an emergency stop, then proceed at cor-
rection speed to the terminal.
1. Verify position of switch (software or physical).
2. Relearn limit switches (Utils > Landing System Utilities > Terminal
Switch Learn).
SPB Powerup/Reset (367)
Safety Processor B is resetting due to power up. The car is not allowed to
move. Doors will remain in current state. Cannot be bypassed This is a
normal event during power up. Informational.
SPB: DETS Position High (407)
Traction only. SPB reports the car encountered the DETS switch at a posi-
tion higher than that learned during the learn operation.
1. Verify position of switch (software or physical).
2. Repeat learn operation (Utils > Landing System Utilities > Terminal
Switch Learn).
SPB: DETS Position Low (406)
Traction only. SPB reports the car encountered the DETS switch at a posi-
tion lower than that learned during the learn operation. The car will per-
form an emergency stop then proceed at construction speed to the
1. Verify position of switch (software or physical).
2. Repeat learn operation (Utils > Landing System Utilities > Terminal
Switch Learn).
SPB: DETS Speed High (395)
Traction only. SPB reports the car was travelling faster than 95% of con-
tract speed upon encountering the Down Emergency Terminal Switch.
The car will perform an emergency stop then proceed at construction
speed to the terminal.
1. Verify position of switch (software or physical).
2. Repeat learn operation (Utils > Landing System Utilities > Terminal
Switch Learn).
SPB: Inspect Ovrspd (232)
Traction only. The car has exceeded inspection speed. Fault-bypassed in
1. Check setting: CONFIG02 > System Control Parameters > Inspection
SPB: LS-EDGE is Offline (229)
SPB has detected loss of communication with LS-EDGE.
1. Check CAN1 and CAN2 connections on SCE-CPU.
2. Check connections on LS-EDGE.
SPB: Motion Shutdown (389)
Traction only. Bypassed in Construction and Inspection bypass modes.
The car will be unable to move until the fault is corrected.
1. Check event log.
SPB: Parameter Update (258)
Parameters are being updated. Cannot be bypassed.
1. If in error, cycle power to the controller.
Table 2.15 Touch Screen Event Listings