Version 2.0
Multicast Settings
Mellanox Technologies
Step 5
Reboot the sRB-20210G.
Step 6
Run a default-multicast-group show command to view the results.
sRB-20210G-6060> enable
password: ******
Type Ctrl-z to exit from enable mode to disable mode.
sRB-20210G-6060# config
sRB-20210G-6060(config)# multicast
sRB-20210G-6060(config-multicast)# default-multicast-group show
default multicast group ip is
default multicast group action is send
Note that now the new
multicast group ip
is updated.
MC-Table Session
Displays all multicast groups opened by the user and handled by this specific sRB-20210G.
Assume that there are two sRB-20210Gs and three open multicast groups in the cluster, as
follows:;;, the mc-table for each of the sRB-20210G will report
the following:
sRB-20210G 1 mc-table:
sRB-20210G 1:
sRB-20210G-6230# mc-table show
IP address MLID PKEY STATE 0xC00C 0xFFFF Join
In following example, the mc-table displays only the single group that it is handling:
sRB-20210G 2 mc-table:
sRB-20210G 2:
sRB-20210G-6060# mc-table show
IP address MLID PKEY STATE 0xC00D 0xFFFF Join 0xC00A 0xFFFF Join
In the following example, the mc-table displays the two groups that it is handling:
IP address - multicast group
MLID - multicast lid assigned to this group by SM
PKEY - on which partition this multicast group is opened
STATE - suppose to be "join", it means the 10GbE gateway takes
care of forwarding traffic on this multicast group.
If a specific mc group is closed in the SM, it will disappear from the mc-table display.
If any sRB-20210G becomes not available, its mc-table will be displayed as empty.
Other sRB-20210G devices in the cluster will contain entries for those mc groups. When
the disabled sRB-20210G is restored, its groups will move back from other
sRB-20210Gs and it will display them again.