Option Installation
MagneMover LITE User Manual
Rockwell Automation Publication MMI-UM002E-EN-P - March 2016
Verify proper clearances between the puck and the Precision Locator and adjust the set
screws on the motor mount as required.
With the puck manually pinned into position on the stand (press down on both
arms at the same time to secure the puck), verify 0.13 mm [0.005 in] clearance
between the top of the rail and the skis on the pallet.
With the puck manually pinned into position on the stand, verify 0.13 mm
[0.005 in] clearance between the bottom of the rail and the center plate on the
With the puck manually pinned into position on the stand, verify 0.13 mm
[0.005 in] between the puck lobes and the side-surface of the rail.
With the puck out of the station, verify that when the arm is in the down
(pinned) the position the pin is below the pallet surface.
With the puck out of the station, verify that when the arm is in the up position
the pallet clears the pins.
Tighten the lock nuts on the motor mount to 10.2 N-m [90 in-lb].
Apply Loctite 243 to the M6 x 12 mm screws that were removed from the back plate
and replace the back plate on the stand. Tighten the screws to 5 N-m [45 in-lb] using a
5 mm Hex wrench.
Adjust the position of the locator stand as required.
Ensure proper alignment between the bushings on the puck and the pins on the
Precision Locator.
With the puck manually pinned into position on the stand, verify proper access
to the pallet by the remote equipment.
Tighten the M8 bolts securing the stand ribs to the beam to 26 N-m [230 in-lb].