Users manual for Innowalk Pro 2
Version: 1.06
Version date: 06.12.2023
Appendix 1 - Training of operator
Training and Operators
Before starting to use the product, the operator must receive training from a Made for Movement
representative. Only trained operators are allowed to operate the product and educate colleagues
on Innowalk use. The training program consists of, at minimum, the below topics.
Innowalk Pro training:
Information stating that only trained operators shall operate the product
Precautions, Indications and Contraindications for use
Safety features
Entering and exiting the product
Seat height adjustment
Seat depth adjustments (E-seat)
Using and locking the swivel seat
Attaching belts and leg support
Adjusting head rest and pulley tower
Using the remote control (seat up/down/speed/stand/sit/start/stop), and homing.
Explanation of how the spasm control works
Using the transport wheels
Attachment and use of extra equipment
During use; observation and check of the patient
Handover of user manual and explaining what it includes (incl. troubleshooting chapter 7.9)
Using the QR-code on the product
Adjustment in accordance to user growth (when applicable)
Set N/A (Not Applicable) for topics that are not relevant in this case.
Date / Place:
Innowalk serial nr:
Trained by:
Training recipients: