Users manual for Innowalk Pro 2
Version: 1.06
Version date: 06.12.2023
Indications with arm movement (extra equipment)
Users of the Innowalk have moderate to significant damage to the neuromuscular system and lack
movement-related functions of the upper and lower extremities (muscle strength, muscle tone,
endurance, coordination, functions of voluntary movements, movement patterns) often with
impairment of activities as a result of a brain damage or injury (e.g., cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis,
trauma), spinal cord injury (e.g., paraplegic syndromes due to spinal tumours or trauma) or
neuromuscular diseases (e.g., muscular dystrophies).
The user height range is between 80
200 cm and body weight limit is 110 kg.
Bone fractures in lower limbs and/or torso (legs, pelvis, spine)
Open skin lesions in areas of the body in contact with parts of the Innowalk
Precautions for use
No adverse events and negative side effects caused by the movement in the Innowalk Pro were
reported in any studies. There have been studies where patients did not complete the intervention
period (due to illness, surgery, or pain), but none of the dropout reasons were related to the
movement in the Innowalk Pro.
Risk analysis shows that users with one or more of the following conditions should consult their
clinician or therapist before starting to use the Innowalk Pro to evaluate if benefits of use outweigh
possible risks of injury or negative side effects:
Major deformities (spine and lower limbs)
Severe or fixed contractures in the lower limbs (Hip and knee flexion contractures >40°, pes
equinus >25°)
Osteoporosis with previous or suspected spontaneous fractures of the lower extremities
Joint instability in the lower limbs (hips, knees, and ankles)
Circulatory disorders
Respiratory disorders
Cardiac disorders
Epilepsy with uncontrollable grand mal seizures
Severe spasticity interfering with positioning and movement in the Innowalk
Pain while in standing weight-bearing position or when moving lower limbs