Users manual for Innowalk Pro 2
Version: 1.06
Version date: 06.12.2023
The product must not be used in a moist environment (shower, washing area etc)
The cables, belts, straps, wires and guide strap may lead to strangulation or other damages.
Make sure to keep the product under constant supervision while in use and store it in a way that
prevents unauthorized persons admittance to the product.
The product shall be secured properly when transported to avoid transport damage and damage
to the vehicle interior.
Use of this product adjacent to or stacked with other product should be avoided because it could
result in improper operation. If such use is necessary, this product and the other product should
be observed to verify that they are operating normally.
The product shall only be lifted in the frame, none of the other parts.
In the case of use of a tray: The tray does not provide any additional safety
always keep the
chest strap secured when the user is in the product. Never use the tray together with arm
movement handles.
The product shall never be used close to flames or open fire, as the belts and paddings are not
Specific warnings for Innowalks
Innowalk shall not be used without the inspections executed by a Made for representative.
The chest support, chest and hip belt shall always be secured when the user is in the product.
The hip belt must be loosely attached during standing up/sitting down to prevent pressure to the
stomach. The chest and hip belts can have looser fitting when walking in the Innowalk, but
cannot be taken of as this is for safety.
Innowalk shall only be used indoor and have room-temperature before being used.
Innowalk shall, while being used, be placed at a flat and even surface.
Innowalk shall not be moved while the user is in it.
Do not over tight the guide strap to the leg supports. This may lead to damages at the users
knees and legs.
Innowalk has moving parts, and has open areas or holes, which produce risk for hand-injury. All
these hazards are labelled with a trap hazard sticker. Potential trap hazard areas: The mechanical
upright function underneath the seat and column, the tilt function of the front frame, under and
nearby the skis when the Innowalk’s skis are moving, near the motor wheel.
Make sure the users,
operators and other persons hands are at a safe distance to the trap hazard areas during use.
Always pay attention to the users feet and hands when lifting the user out of the Innowalk,
ensuring that the feet and/or the hands do not get caught or obstructed during transfer. Always
use slow movements to enable safe transfer.
Innowalk must not be used nearby medical equipment with great potential of hazard, equipment
for life-sustaining function or medical devices for diagnose.
Innowalk can be affected by other electrical devices situated nearby. E.g.: TV, cell phones or
amateur radio. Keep a safe distance of 2.5metres. If the Innowalk does not respond normally,
you should immediately finish the use.
Innowalk shall only be used with the provided/internal power supply.
The actuators are only for positioning of the user. Must not be used continuous for more than 2
minutes followed by 18 minutes rest.
Some parts of the Innowalk can get warm during use. Do not hold or be in contact with any warm
parts; for more than 10 minutes, or if it causes discomfort.
Do not push at the Innowalk seat, column, or headrest.