Users manual for Innowalk Pro 2
Version: 1.06
Version date: 06.12.2023
Pulley tower
The pulley
tower is placed at the back of the motor casing. The pulley tower’s task is to guide the
guide-straps connecting the left and right leg supports. The guide-straps will ensure a correct
position of the users leg during use.
The length of these guide-straps can be adjusted by using the crank at the back of the pulley tower.
Fold out the handle and crank clockwise to tighten the guide-straps, and increase the stretch over
the users knees. Anti-clockwise to slacken the guide-straps, which decreases the stretch over the
users knees. For larger adjustment intervals, different loops in the guide-straps can be used. The
correct loop to use is determined in the initial adjustment by the responsible clinician.
Before attaching the guide-straps to the leg supports, ensure that the guide-
straps are undamaged. If the guide-straps are tangled or damaged, they need to be straightened out
or replaced before use.
Never overtighten the guide-straps by turning the crank arm too much. To
prevent the guide-strap from being tightened too much, always follow the personal setting for the
individual user defined by a responsible clinician.
Overtightening can seriously injure the user.
Picture 40 - Pulley tower with guide-straps
Pulley arm
Guide straps
Strap hooks
Linear guide
Stop screw