Users manual for Innowalk Pro 2
Version: 1.06
Version date: 06.12.2023
Duration of use
Frequency, duration and intensity of use is decided by the responsible clinician in accordance with
the individual’s
Start out with low frequency, duration and intensity in the device and gradually increase those
parameters in accordance with the individual users physical condition, fitness, and tolerance of the
During use of the Innowalk carefully observe the following:
Inappropriate alignment (e.g. Pelvic rotation, flexed knees, asymmetry, limited upper body
and head control)
Hyper extension of the knees
Heels lifting from the foot plate
Signs of discomfort (e.g. sweating, pale skin tone, facial expression)
In general, observe reactions that might occur due to new or changed physical or physiological
If inappropriate alignment, hyper extension of the knees or heels lifting from the foot plate:
Stop the use of the device and readjust the Innowalk. Consult with the medical responsible
clinician if needed.
If signs of discomfort, pain, or fatigue are observed:
Stop the use of the device and consult the responsible clinician before resuming use.
Operating time: Max 1 hour continuous use on each session.
Cooldown/pause: Minimum 10 minutes equipment pause needed between each use session.
Use category/classification: Non-continuous operation.
The Innowalk needs to be given at least ten minutes of cooldown time between
each session.
Innowalk will automatically come to a stop after 1 hours use. If the spasm control has been
activated, the Innowalk will stop 1 hour after the last spasm control activation. This function
is not for safety.