Users manual for Innowalk Pro 2
Version: 1.06
Version date: 06.12.2023
Attach the guide-strap to the leg support
To attach the guide-strap to the leg support, it might be necessary to reduce the tension on the
guide-strap first. Please refer to chapter 6.10 for more information about how to operate the pulley
Picture 8 - Pulley tower and crank-handle with guide straps
Lift up the leg support and position the upper part of the leg support below the users knee
Make sure that nothing can cause pressure on the users leg, when attaching the leg support. Be
aware of folds in the clothing etc.
Secure the strap on the back of the support.
At each end of the guide-strap there are loops. One end is attached at the leg support hook, and the
other end at the pulley hook. The loops on the guide-straps can be used to tailor the alignment of the
user in the Innowalk. Which loop used is defined at first time set-up of the user and should not be
changed during use.
Picture 9 - Leg support hook
Length of guide-strap:
The position of the leg support is adjusted by the length of the guide-strap.To provide an optimal
position of user/patient, define the right length on the guide-strap. The guide-strap length is adjusted
by using the crank-handle at the back of the device. Clockwise turning
to shorten the guide-strap.
Anti-clockwise turning
to lengthen the guide-strap. In most cases the length of the guide-strap is
handled by using the crank-handle. In case there is a need to shorten the guide-strap even more, the
loops on the guide-strap can be used.
Pulley tower
Strap hook on leg support
Guide straps
Strap hooks