Users manual for Innowalk Pro 2
Version: 1.06
Version date: 06.12.2023
7.13 Technical Inspection and Maintenance
Daily Pre-Check:
Perform the daily Pre-Check as described in chapter 3 before use.
Monthly Pre-Check:
Perform the monthly Pre-Check as described in chapter 3 once a month.
It is a requirement that annual inspection of the Innowalk is executed. The
inspection shall be executed by a trained Made for Movement
representative. If there are findings from the inspection, a repair must be
ordered. The Innowalk shall not be used again before it’s repaired, unless
otherwise agreed with the representative that it is ok to use the product
until it has been repaired.
Keep the Innowalk clean. If necessary, disinfect the Innowalk.
Repairs and replacement of worn parts are performed by a Made for
Movement representative. Order repairs from your local Made for
Movement contact person.
If annual inspections and repairs are not being executed and documented, then
the product certification is broken, and Made for Movement is no longer liable for any unwanted
events, incidents or injuries that occur. That responsibility is upon the customer in the unlikely
event that the annual inspections and eventual repairs are not performed. The two years warranty
will also not be valid if the annual inspection and repairs are not executed.
Maintenance information:
Made for Movement develops and produces unique standing, activity and walking aids for people
with disabilities. These products are designed with moving parts to enable smooth operation, and
easy and safe use. Some of the moving parts and key components will get worn out during use, and
will need to be replaced. Pre-check and inspections are executed to make sure the unit is safe to use
over time, and that wear is discovered and repaired.
Typical wear parts are listed below. Other parts may also get worn out due to heavy use and/or
movement pattern, and these will also need to be replaced if worn out. A repair must be ordered if
wear is identified, and the product shall not be used again until the product is repaired, unless
otherwise agreed with your Made for Movement representative.
Potential wear parts within the warranty period: Paddings/belts/seat, guide straps, hook plates,
knobs, wheels, stoppers, index bolts, covers, tray (extra equipment).
Potential wear parts between year 2 and 5*: Foot plate with leg support, ski, actuators, column, cam
stop, pulley tower, chest-support, hip support, swing seat, back attachment, remote-control, drive
belts, bearings. Extra equipment, paddings, moving parts, or parts prone to high force, can also be
worn out and in need of replacement during this period.