Configure playlis ts on the device webs ite
KNX Sonos -Gateway
© 2019 Albrecht J ung GmbH & Co. KG
p. 67 / 118
"Random start title " use case
The recording of a musical is divided into several pieces which are interlinked. The pieces are each a track and
saved in a Sonos playlist. A completely random playback would be very annoying in this case, but you wouldn't
necessarily always want to hear the musical from the beginning.
The <<Random function>>
<<Random s tart tile>> is used in this case. Only the title us ed to s tart is s elected
at random. All following tracks will be played in the configured s equence.
"Random playback of all titles" use case
The mus ic s hould not be always played in the s ame sequence during a party.
<<Random function>>
<<On>> is us ed in this cas e. The sequence of all tracks in the Sonos playlis t is then
played at random. Your guests will not get bored s ince every track in the Sonos playlis t is only played jus t
Configure new playlists faster
If there are only minimal differences in configurations for two master-s lave groups , it is eas ier to copy an
exis ting configuration and then s imply modify the differing parts .
Create new playlist based on a copy
Requirement: Playlis t which is to be copied is configured.
Change to a new mas ter-s lave group by s electing the corres ponding group number from the fold-down
lis t.
Select the master-s lave group whos e configuration you wis h to copy in the fold-down lis t next to the
<<Load>> button.
Select the <<Load>> button.
Change the configuration if neces s ary.
Select the <<Save>> button.
Reproduction from microSD card
The microSD card is optional and allows the audio files s aved on it to be streamed. The device microSD card
holder can take memory cards with a capacity of up to 32 GB. The FAT32 file s ys tem is s upported, and author-
is ation is read-only.
As s oon as a microSD card is ins erted into the KNX Sonos Gateway, the contents can be read via the Windows
network authoris ation.