KNX Sonos Gateway Software licence agreement
KNX Sonos -Gateway
© 2019 Albrecht J ung GmbH & Co. KG
p. 114 / 118
language which can be read by humans ) or decompilation (convers ion of binary-coded computer ins tructions
or as s embler ins tructions into s ource code in the form of high-level language ins tructions ).
Firmware and hardware
The firmware may only be ins talled and us ed on the hardware (KNX Sonos -Gateway) approved by the licens or.
Transfer to a third party
The KNX-Sonos Gateway s oftware mus t not be pas sed on to third parties , nor may it be made acces s ible to
third parties .
Renting out, leasing out and sub-licensing
The licens ee is not authoris ed to rent or lease the KNX Sonos-Gateway s oftware or grant s ub-licens es to the
Software creation
The licens ee requires written approval from the licens or to create and dis tribute s oftware which is derived
from the KNX Sonos -Gateway s oftware.
The mechanisms of license management and copy protection
The mechanis ms of the licens e management and copying protection of the KNX Sonos-Gateway s oftware
mus t not be analys ed, publis hed, circumvented or dis abled.
Ownership, confidentiality
The KNX Sonos-Gateway s oftware and its documentation (which s hall be provided in printed format or als o as
online help or online documentation) are bus ines s secrets of the licens or and/or the object of copyright
and/or other rights and s hall continue to belong to the licensor. The Licens ee s hall obs erve thes e rights .
Transfer to a third party
Neither the s oftware nor the data backup copy nor the documentation (which s hall be provided in printed
format or als o as online help or online documentation) may be pas sed on to third parties at any point in time,
in whole or in part, for a fee or free of charge.
Changes, additional deliveries
The KNX Sonos-Gateway s oftware and the documentation (which s hall be provided in printed format or addi-
tionally as online help or online documentation) s hall be s ubject to pos s ible changes by the licens or.