Bas ic information
KNX Sonos -Gateway
© 2019 Albrecht J ung GmbH & Co. KG
p. 20 / 118
Basic information
A room, als o known as a zone, is the area where you lis ten to mus ic with your Sonos devices .
Rooms are merely a notional concept. A room may be an actual room or several rooms in a group:
An actual room, s uch as the kitchen, can be a room for Sonos .
Several actual rooms , s uch as the hallway and bathroom, can als o compris e a room for Sonos .
Sonos uses the terms "room" and "zone" s ynonymous ly.
Dining room
Living room
Sonos device
Mus ic
Figure 1: One Sonos device per room
Play music in rooms synchr o-
More than one Sonos device may be ins talled in a room. Each individual Sonos device could play a different
mus ic s ource. This would generally be very unpleas ant for lis teners , even if the devices played the s ame mu-
s ic s ince playback is us ually not s ynchronis ed.
Dining room
Living room
Sonos device
Mus ic
Figure 2: Two Sonos devices per room which play different music
You can connect the Sonos devices in s uch a way that the mus ic from all Sonos devices within a room is
s ynchronis ed when it plays .
Dining room
Living room