Glos s ary
KNX Sonos -Gateway
© 2019 Albrecht J ung GmbH & Co. KG
p. 110 / 118
DP type, DPT
Data point type
The device is configured in the ETS (Engineering Tool Software). The ETS is available with various ranges
of functions from the KNX As sociation (
All des criptions in this documentation relating to commis s ioning in the ETS refer to the variant "ETS Pro-
fes s ional" in the vers ion 5.
Software which is embedded on the device hardware and enables operation of the device. Functional en-
hancements for device are available from a newer vers ion of the firmware.
Flags (CRWTU)
Every communication object has flags with which the communication object obtains methods : C: Com-
munication, R: Read, W: Write, T: Trans fer, U: Update. Refer to your KNX documents for the meaning of the
flags .
Device website
Application for the device, with functions that make us e more convenient. For example, updates can
s imply be imported or the s tatus of the device can be checked. The s lots for playlis ts are als o configured
The name "Group" can refer to different items . Look under the des ignations "Sonos group" and "Mas ter-
s lave group" for details .
Group volume
The group volume affects all Sonos devices within the mas ter-s lave group in relation to their own individ-
ual volumes . It changes each peripheral's individual volume and thus uniformly adjus ts the overall volume
of the master-s lave group.
Short for "Online KNX Product Catalogue". The catalogue is a product databas e. The catalogue contains
all KNX-certified devices . The data is s aved as a product databas e entry. The product databas e entry is
often als o called the "catalogue entry".
Mas ters are "s ound-s etting" Sonos devices . Masters control thems elves and their s laves. Only mas ters
are able to "command" all functions .