Configuring parameters
KNX Sonos -Gateway
© 2019 Albrecht J ung GmbH & Co. KG
p. 72 / 118
The definition of s laves in a mas ter-s lave group s tates which particular Sonos devices can be
potentially linked with the master. You can us e the communication object 40 <<Slave 1/2/3/4/5
– Switch group as s ociation>> to activate individual s laves .
Why must I activate each individual slave in a master-slave group?
The individual activation provides you with greater flexibility. For example, you can switch off the "Doorbell"
announcement for the Sonos device in the child's room when they are taking an afternoon nap. You can acti-
vate all slaves for the "Dinner bell" announcement, so that no-one in the house misses a hot meal.
Table 15: Settings for master -slave groups
Group #N - Master
The IP address of a
Sonos device
This device can be controlled as the master. Only IPv4
addresses can be used.
When you enter a fixed IP address for the master (in-
stead of <<Auto-Discover>>), the KNX Sonos-Gateway's
full functions are available, including master -slave
groups and dynamic group assignment.
(Also see Chapter 10.1.3 “Determine IP addresses of
the Sonos devices in the data network”.)
IP addresses for stereo pairs
The Sonos software and KNX Sonos-
Gateway regard a stereo pair as a single
(1) "visible" Sonos device. You only need
to enter the stereo pair's IP address
within the ETS. This is the IP address of
the Sonos device which you have desig-
nated the first device in the stereo pair in
the Sonos software.
Special case in group 1
If you do not enter an IP address for the
master in group 1, the setting <<Auto-
matic detection (only a master without
slaves)>> is activated.
This means:
Any available Sonos device from the
local network is s elected automati-
cally and us ed as a mas ter of the
firs t group.
All other mas ter-s lave groups are
Group #N – Number of
s laves
1 s lave | 2 s laves | ... |
5 slaves
Only available if
Support for dynamic group creation
10.1.1 "<<General") is activated.
Determines the number of slave addresses which can
be set. A set of group objects is activated for each
Group #N – Slave #M
The IP address of a
The local IP address can be entered for each slave