Configure playlis ts on the device webs ite
KNX Sonos -Gateway
© 2019 Albrecht J ung GmbH & Co. KG
p. 68 / 118
Read contents on Windows network authorisation
We take no responsibility for configuration instructions within the Sonos software. The Sonos
software is not a Jung product. We do not guarantee the topicality or accuracy of documentation
for third-party products.
1. Enter the IP address of the device, followed by the directory data, e.g.
, in the Win-
dows Explorer.
Use fixed IP addresses with DHCP
If you are using DHCP, you must configure your router in such a way that the same IP address is
always assigned to the KNX Sonos Gateway (fixed IP address).
Please refer to your router's manual for information on how to configure this.
2. Use the Sonos software to access authorisation with the Sonos devices. Select the menu item <<Man-
<<Mus ic library s ettings >>.
Enter the URL above under the <<Folder>> item without s pecifying the us er name and pass word.
The music files on the microSD card are now available under the <<Music Library>> item in the Sonos appl
MP3 playlists
We take no res pons ibility for configuration ins tructions within the Sonos software. The Sonos
s oftware is not a Albrecht J ung GmbH product. We do not guarantee the topicality or accuracy of
documentation for third-party products .
You will find the MP3 playlis ts which you have s aved on the microSD card under <<Mus ic Library>>
ported playlis ts >> within the Sonos s oftware.
You firs t need to add a Sonos playlis t to us e MP3 playlis ts with the KNX Sonos -Gateway. Use the Sonos s oft-
ware to add lists .
If you import new mus ic onto the microSD card at a later stage and you are not able to see them in the Sonos
s oftware, you need to update the Mus ic Library in the Sonos s oftware.