Troubles hooting
KNX Sonos -Gateway
© 2019 Albrecht J ung GmbH & Co. KG
p. 101 / 118
In order to be able to eas ily remedy a fault, you mus t establis h the root caus e. Solutions for typical configura-
tion errors are des cribed below.
Check the status of the device on the devices webs ite which is detailed on the <<Device status >>
Checking the device s tatus , p. 105
Solutions for typical configuration errors :
Table 17: Troubles hooting, p. 101.
Table 17: Troubleshooting
ETS reports the error that it is not pos -
s ible to write on a protected area when
downloading the application program.
Pleas e ens ure that your ETS vers ion is up to date. KNX Sonos -
Gateway requires the ETS in its current vers ion 4 or 5.
Ens ure that the product databas e entry is s uitable for the firmware
Determining compatibility between the product databas e entry
LEDs do not light up or flas h individual-
ly or alternately or s lowly.
Pleas e check the KNX cabling and the LED status dis plays
Reading off the device status us ing the LEDs , p. 48.
The device is not vis ible in the network. Pleas e check the network cabling and parametris ation of the de-
vice IP in the ETS
Setting the IP addres s , IP s ubnet mas k and
s tandard gateway addres s , p. 54.
Device website – general
The device webs ite is not working.
Is the software restarting?
It can take up to three minutes until the webs ite is available
again after the ETS application program is downloaded. Try to
reload the page after a few minutes .
Is J avas cript activated, and are cookies allowed?
The device webs ite requires J avas cript and cookies . Allow the
execution of J avas cript and the s aving of cookies in the op-
tions of your web brows er if neces s ary.
Are you us ing an up-to-date, supported brows er?
We s upport current market s tandard brows ers s uch as Google
Chrome, Micros oft Edge and Mozilla Firefox in their current
vers ions as a minimum (as of the date this documentation
was printed). Older vers ions of the brows ers may work. How-
ever, we recommend that you keep your brows er up to date for
s ecurity reas ons alone if nothing els e.