Troubles hooting
KNX Sonos -Gateway
© 2019 Albrecht J ung GmbH & Co. KG
p. 105 / 118
Only the master plays music/an an-
Cause: Slaves are deactivated.
The definition of slaves in a master-slave group states which par-
ticular Sonos devices can be potentially linked with the master.
Solution: Use communication object 40 <<Slave 1/2/3/4/5 –
Switch group association>> to activate the required slave.
Announcement is mute.
Cause: The interrupted source is muted and the <<Never mute>>
has not been selected for the announcement.
Solution: Select the <<Never mute>> setting in the playlist configu-
ration for the announcement entry on the device website.
Playlist is not available:
Error code 4 of communication object
28 << System status>>
Error code <<playlist>> of communica-
tion object 29 << System status>>
The source name in the playlist configuration is not correct.
The name is written incorrectly.
Source no longer exis ts.
Solution: Check whether the source s till exis ts in the Sonos s oft-
ware. If it does , check whether this name matches the playlis t
configuration on the device webs ite.
Playlis t is not available:
Error code 5 of communication object
28 << Sys tem status >>
Error code <<empty s lot>> of commu-
nication object 29 << Sys tem status >>
Caus e: There is no configuration available for the number of the
playlis t entry for the mas ter-s lave group playlis t.
Solution: Check the playlis t configuration on the device webs ite.
No playlis t is found or playlis t cannot
be played.
Caus e: In rare cas es, the KNX Sonos -Gateway may not be able to
retrieve the playlis ts on your Sonos devices . This means that the
playlis t webs ite does not offer playlis ts for s election. The s election
of playlis ts also does not work via KNX.
Solution: Have a Sonos device known to your KNX Sonos -Gateway
play a playlis t with an official Sonos application. In mos t cas es , the
webs ite will be able to offer you all the playlis ts as expected after
being reloaded. Playing via KNX will now work as well.
We are working on a better solution to this problem which does not
require the us er to take any action.
A playlis t can be selected in the Sonos
app, but not via KNX.
Check whether the names of the playlis t are identical in KNX
Sonos -Gateway and in the Sonos s oftware (e.g. your app). Devia-
tions can aris e from renaming or a faulty entry.
Checking the device status
You can check the device s tatus on the device webs ite at any time on the <<Device status >> page.
The device webs ite is not always updated automatically.
Us e your brows er's function to perform an update (frequently button [F5]).