Commis s ioning and configuration
KNX Sonos -Gateway
© 2019 Albrecht J ung GmbH & Co. KG
p. 58 / 118
Extending the scope of functions (updating firmware)
Functional enhancements for KNX Sonos Gateway are available via a newer vers ion of the firmware. Simply
download the latest firmware and the relevant product manual from our web s ite
So that you can us e the new functions , it is neces s ary for the vers ions of the firmware being us ed and the
product databas e entry are compatible.
Updating the firmware via the device website
You can only import a new firmware vers ion that is newer than the current vers ion on the device.
No downgrade!
Previous vers ions cannot be imported.
Depending on whether the device has an Internet connection, there is another variant to update.
Online: Import firmware automatically online.
Off-line: Import firmware offline.
Us e this variant for devices which do not have an Internet connection at their ins tallation s ite and are
only acces s ible via the local network.
Import firmware automatically online
Log in to the device webs ite.
Select <<Update firmware>> in the <<Sys tem>>
menu bar.
The system determines which firmware version is currently installed.
If a new firmware version is available for the device it will be indicated to you.
You will be informed about incompatibilities.
Determining compatibility between the product database entry and firmware version, p. 59
Select the <<Update firmware>> button.
Importing firmware offline
The s ys tem does not check whether the current configuration is compatible with the new firmware. You
mus t check yours elf whether the firmware is compatible with the product databas e entry.
Determining compatibility between the product databas e entry and firmware vers ion, p. 59.
Requirement: You have downloaded the current firmware vers ion from the webs ite.
Log in to the device webs ite.
Select <<Update firmware>> in the <<Sys tem>>
menu bar.
Select the <<Select file>> button.
In Explorer, s elect the des ired firmware file and confirm your s election with the <<Open>> button.
Select the <<Update firmware>> button.