Troubles hooting
KNX Sonos -Gateway
© 2019 Albrecht J ung GmbH & Co. KG
p. 104 / 118
A slave does not respond to any com-
Cause: Slave is deactivated.
The definition of slaves in a master-slave group states which par-
ticular Sonos devices can be potentially linked with the master.
Solution: Use communication object 40 <<Slave 1/2/3/4/5 –
Switch group association>> to activate the required slave.
Radio/line-in can no longer be started
with <<Play>> after a <<Stop>>.
This is not an error.
The KNX Sonos-Gateway's group object <<Stop>> cancels the
previously selected source.
Solution: Use the group object <<Pause>> to keep the source selec-
Source type <<TV>> or << Line
-in>> is
not played.
No available source is displayed if
source type <<TV>> or << Line-in>> is
Cause: In the case of source types <<TV>> and <<Line-in>>, only
those Sonos devices (Sonos Playbar or
Sonos Connect/Sonos Connect:Amp) which have been configured
in a master-slave group are recognised as sources. It is not possi-
ble to playback unconfigured Sonos devices.
Solution: When parametrising the KNX group, select a
Sonos Playbar or Sonos Connect/Sonos Connect:Amp as a master
if you wish to use their entry.
Special characteristic for <<TV>>: If the source is played and the
Sonos Playbar is not the master of the group, it automatically b e-
comes the master.
<<Sonos playlist>> source is not
Cause: Source does not exist. Even sources removed in the mean-
time can still be selected.
Solution: Check whether the source still exists in the Sonos soft-
ware. If it does, check whether this name matches the playlist
configuration on the device website.
Table 13: Playlis t configuration – s ettings on the <<Playlis t
Entry in playlis t is ignored or omitted.
Caus e: Announcements are omitted.
You have us ed communication object 14 | 114, etc. to change to
the next or previous entry within the playlis t. In the proces s , entries
are omitted for which the <<Announcement>> s etting is defined.
Solution: None. The mode of operation matches the required be-
Incorrect entry is played.
Caus e: Fallback in the event of a fault
If playback does n't work, becaus e the Sonos playback queue is
empty, the firs t playlis t entry is s elected as a fallback. Announce-
ments are omitted, however, so a following playlis t entry may be
s elected.
Example: Playlis t entries 1 and 2 are configured as announce-
ments . Playlis t entry 3 is not an announcement. The s ys tem wants
to select the fallback playlis t entry 1. but it is an announcement.
The s ys tem tries playlis t entry 2, but it is also an announcement.
Playlis t entry 3 is not an announcement and is played.
Solution: None. The mode of operation matches the required be-