About KNX Sonos Gateway
KNX Sonos -Gateway
© 2019 Albrecht J ung GmbH & Co. KG
p. 14 / 118
At home alone?
Sonos signals unexpected visits
Motion detection verbal warning: When it's dark, Sonos can notify you in good time of movement outdoors
with an audio s ignal or s peech in every room before the doorbell is even pres s ed.
Sonos will scare them away
Hear s us picious nois es outdoors ?
Pres s ing the light s witch (e.g. in the bedroom) s witches on the lighting ins ide and on the hous e. A s trong male
voice, a recording, calls out from the Sonos outdoor device: "Attention! Leave the property immediately! The
police have been notified!" This can even be followed by unobtrus ive police s irens .
While you're leaving
Prevent fire and water damage
If the exterior doors are equipped with contacts connected to the building bus , the KNX Sonos -Gateway can
provide you with valuable information on the way while you're leaving the hous e: Brief audible mess ages s uch
as "The cooker is s till on!" and "A s kylight is still open" can help prevent undes irable things happening.
Energy efficiency
The Sonos s ys tem and KNX Sonos Gateway help you to use energy more efficiently without los ing any com-
fort. A few examples :
Don't waste heating energy: "Window opened" announcement
If the outs ide temperature and the pos ition of the windows are known to the KNX s ystem, occupants can be
reminded of energy cons umption after a period of time and at regular intervals .
The announcement "The child's room window has been open for a long time" can work wonders . The volume
can als o be increas ed from announcement to announcement in es pecially s tubborn cas es .
Improve power generator use: Integrate generator s
A s olar power s ystem mounted on a roof often s upplies more power than is needed in a home. In s uch cas es,
s urplus energy is fed back into the energy network for minimal compens ation.
In the evening, it's just the oppos ite – Power generated by the PV s ystem decreas es while cons umption for an
electric cooker and televis ion increas es , meaning power mus t be acquired at a higher cos t.
The KNX Sonos-Gateway can help. If the photovoltaic s ystem s ignals a current energy s urplus via KNX, the
following Sonos announcement may be able to make a valuable contribution to environmental protection and
lower your cos ts as well: "Energy s urplus – It would now be a good time for you to s tart the dis hwas her, was h-
ing machine or drier!"