Configure playlis ts on the device webs ite
KNX Sonos -Gateway
© 2019 Albrecht J ung GmbH & Co. KG
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Configure playlists on the device website
A playlis t is a mus ic compilation. Various additional s ettings can be made for the playlis ts , configured on the
device webs ite, s uch as random playback of tracks on a Sonos playlis t. Save all default settings for each mas -
ter-s lave group in a playlis t.
Configure playlists
A playlis t may cons ist of up to 255 items . The item its elf offers a variety of configuration options , depending
on the source type that you select.
Figure 18: Device website for playlist configuration
Number of master-s lave groups currently dis played.
This number refers to the number of the master-s lave group in the ETS.
Example: If you s ee <<1>> here, you configure the playlis ts for the mas ter-s lave group <<Group 1>>.
Configuration area.
Buttons for the master-s lave group currently dis played.
Initial display
If the device is properly configured and the master of the first mas ter-s lave group can be contacted, the s tart
page dis plays the available s ources .
The device loads the s ources from the <<Sonos playlis ts >> and <<My Radio Stations >> configured with the
Sonos s oftware and any exis ting external s ource types . All playlis ts are dis played firs t, followed by all s tations,
all in alphabetical order.