Bas ic information
KNX Sonos -Gateway
© 2019 Albrecht J ung GmbH & Co. KG
p. 25 / 118
Configure mas ter in the
two mas ter-s lave groups .
Configure two master-s lave groups in the ETS. The IP address es are
known in our example.
If you don't know the IP addres s es , you need to identify them yours elf
now; s ee
Determine IP addres s es of the Sonos devices in the data
The Sonos s oftware and the KNX Sonos -Gateway regard a
s tereo pair as a s ingle (1) "vis ible" Sonos device. You only need
to enter the s tereo pair's IP addres s within the ETS. This is the
IP addres s of the Sonos device which you have des ignated the
firs t device in the stereo pair in the Sonos s oftware.
Configure the master in the two master-s lave groups :
Mas ter-s lave group 1: Stereo pair 1 as mas ter
<<Group 1 mas ter>>
Mas ter-s lave group 2: Stereo pair 3 as mas ter
<<Group 2 mas ter>>
Generate KNX group
addres s and link to KNX
Sonos -Gateway´s corre-
s ponding communication
objects .
Generate the KNX group addres s es and link the KNX Sonos -Gateways ´s
corres ponding communication objects for the mas ter-s lave groups 1 and
2; for example:
<<Playback s tate>>
<<Next/previous track>>
<<Relative volume control>>
Link KNX group addres s -
es with KNX buttons , vis -
ualis ations and s imilar.
Link <<Play>> and <<Next/previous track>> with pus h button s witch-
ing objects , <<Playback s tate>> with a state object of vis ualis ations .
Link the communication object <<Relative volume control>> with a
dimmer s witch object.
Master and slaves
Mas ter and s laves are des ignations for Sonos devices . You can determine the role for a Sonos device which it
s hould take in a master-s lave group in configuration in the ETS. You can define any Sonos device which you
can als o s ee in the original Sonos s oftware as the master. This can als o be a stereo pair. It is poss ible to con-
figure a device in different roles in s everal mas ter-s lave groups – as a master in group 1 and as a s lave in
group 2. However, a Sonos device is unable to take on both roles s imultaneous ly during the running time.
If a Sonos device is configured in both roles in s everal groups, the master's communication object <<Sonos
group s lave s tate>> can be used to detect whether the Sonos device currently has a s lave role, and place it in
the mas ter role again us ing the <<Exit s lave mode>> communication object.
Mas ters are the "s ound-s etting" Sonos devices in a Sonos group. They are us ed to determine what mus ic is
reproduced and als o provide information on the mus ic, s uch as the track, artist and playlis t name. All other
Sonos devices in a Sonos group play the s ame mus ic in s ynchronis ation. We could thus s ay that the master
controls its elf and its s laves when reproducing mus ic. Only mas ters are able to "command" all functions .