Configure playlis ts on the device webs ite
KNX Sonos -Gateway
© 2019 Albrecht J ung GmbH & Co. KG
p. 63 / 118
Descriptio n
Name of the source.
Find sources
If the source exists in the Sonos software, it is displayed in the
selection list. Always check whether the source still exists in the
Sonos software since sources removed in the meantime can still
be selected. The selection list is limited to 2000 entries on the
Alternatively, allocate the name yourself. Naturally, it is possible to
build up an internal system (e.g. through the use of number rang-
es) by "omitting" individual numbers.
Enter sources yourself
Allocate the name yourself; for example, if you configure playlists
without a connection to the Sonos system to be used at a later
point in time.
The name must match the name that you specify in the Sonos
software at a later stage. Take into account upper case and lower
case characters and the Sonos system naming conventions, such
as the number of characters. Obviously, it is possible to build up an
internal system (e.g. through the use of number ranges) by "omit-
ting" individual numbers.
Number of the track which is used to start if the source is selected.
If you do not enter a number, the playlist starts with the first track.
The source is a Sonos playlist with the special "Announcement" function.
Announcements interrupt other playlists.
More information:
Setting not available?
This s etting is only available for the <<Sonos Playlis ts >> source
If the <<Announcement>> s etting is activated, the following
s ettings are ignored and hidden on the interface: <<Random
function>>, <<Repeat>>.