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Victorum EAHP Unit
Connecting the Heat Pump
Ventilation Connection
The ventilation ductwork system is essential to the performance of an Exhaust Air Heat Pump. To
avoid under performance of the Heat Pump or increased system noise, the following points should
be considered when designing/ installing the ductwork:
Avoid sharp bends or transitions.
Swept 90° bends or 2x45° bends are preferred.
Ensure all burrs are removed from duct ends.
Insulated flexible ducts must be used to connect the ductwork to the Heat Pump.
The maximum pressure drop across the external grille of the exhaust duct shall not exceed 8
The maximum permissible pressure drop for the entire duct system shall not exceed 150 Pa
(excluding the Heat Pump).
The pressure drop across the Heat Pump is 30 Pa.
Ductwork – Extract Air
The Extract Air or ‘Air In’ to the Heat Pump is the heat
source to the Exhaust Air Heat Pump system. The
extract air is fed via the ductwork to the Heat Pump
from all wet rooms within the dwelling.
Ductwork – Exhaust Air
The Exhaust Air or ‘Air Out’ from the Heat Pump is the
exhaust of the cooled air from the Heat Pump to outside
the dwelling. It is essential this duct is insulated as the
average temperature in the duct will be 4°C under
normal operating conditions. When the duct passes
through ceiling voids, condensation on the outside of
the duct will occur. To avoid this, the entire exhaust duct
must be insulated with suitably sized insulation, to local
building regulations.
The exhaust ducting from the unit should be connected
to the roof/wall terminal using a suitably insulated
adapter and grill. The exhaust ducting should be no
less than Ø150mm or 220mm x 90mm flat pack. It is
necessary to adhere to this duct specification to comply
with noise specifications and to prevent potential
condensation. 220mm x 90mm flat pack ducting must
terminate with a double air brick.
All ductwork insulation MUST be fully sealed at all joints, transitions, air
bricks and/or roof cowls.