S R A / S F X 2 1 0 0 S E R I E S S A T E L L I T E R E C E I V E R
Tool Bar Option
Data Delivery
Items associated with all data delivery to/from the receiver,
including PID definitions, multicast and unicast routing, NAT,
IGMP, Firewalling, etc.
XD Suite (SFX
Items associated with the configuration of the XD client
application in the SFX2100.
Player (SFX only)
Items associated with the configuration of the video/audio
streaming and file player applications in the SFX2100.
Items associated with local and remote status logging of
receiver events, including RF status and faults.
Items associated with RF and data metrics displays.
Items associated with peripheral utilities required to properly
operate the receiver in your network, including Date/Time,
Passwords, Ping, etc.
Items associated with the upgrade of application firmware and
other software applications required to properly operate the
Documents (SFX
Area where the online User documentation can be stored on an
Each of these options with their associated submenu items will be described in detail later in
this chapter.
Main Display Area
The Main Display Area provides all the dynamic display information for a given menu
option. All submenu items and associated status displays, tables, and edit pages are
displayed in this area. Best viewing is achieved with a browser running on a PC set for
1024 x 768 resolution or higher. The lowest resolution is 800 x 600, and all Web GUI pages
have been designed to display all possible submenu options with this resolution, however,
you may find that you will need to use scroll bars more often than when the resolution is set
DVB Carrier A/B Lock Status
The DVB Carrier A/B Lock Status provides an updated lock status of the DVB carrier being
currently received. This area remains displayed at all times and indicates that the receiver
is locked to carrier A or B using a green square with the A or B letter inside. If the receiver
is not locked to a carrier, the lock status will be indicated with a red square. This display
area is updated at the periodic refresh rate set by the RF Metrics Refresh Rate (in
Displays updates
in the Main Display
Area are not
affected by the RF
Metrics Refresh
Rate. If you wish
to update content
in this area at any
time, you must use
the Browser
Refresh Button.