S R A / S F X 2 1 0 0 S E R I E S S A T E L L I T E R E C E I V E R
Edit Field
“normal” when setting the L-Band frequency of the DVB Carrier
using the Carrier Edit <X> page (see previous section).
Supply Select
Enables or disables the LNB power supply, which supplies DC
voltage to the LNB from the L-Band connector on the rear panel.
When enabled, the DC voltage output will be determined by the
polarization setting from the Carrier Edit <X> page (see previous
The AGC optimization type, using one of the options: performance
mode or fast acquisition mode.
Performance Mode – this mode forces the receiver to step through
individual gain stages in the Digital Filter to determine the best Bit
Error Rate (BER) performance. This feature should only be used if
there are large adjacent carriers to the DVB Carrier of interest. Lock
acquisition will generally be slower if this mode is selected.
Fast Acquisition Mode – this mode forces the receiver to select a
default Digital Filter that performs well under most conditions. This
is the default mode and provides the fastest lock acquisition time.
AFC Range
The AFC range in Hz, in the numeric range 0 to 2000.0 kHz (0 to 2
MHz), in steps of 0.1 kHz. If this field is not edited, an AFC range of
10% of the carrier symbol rate is default.
Supply Select
turns on or off the
LNB power supply
only. The voltage
actually being
output is
determined by the
Polarization setting
in the DVB Carrier
Edit page.