S R A / S F X 2 1 0 0 S E R I E S S A T E L L I T E R E C E I V E R
Figure 4-11 Async PID List Page
The display fields and columns in the Async PID List (Figure 4-11) have a similar meaning
to the Net PID List fields and columns, with following exceptions:
Column/Field Description
PID Rate
This is the baud rate (bps) that the Async Port will be set to when
the data is output from this PID. Effectively, this is the maximum
data rate for the data received from this PID – it could be received
from the satellite at a slower rate, but will be output from the Async
Port at the baud rate shown.
Since only one PID can be assigned to the Async Port at any one
time, the enable column was implemented using radio buttons
instead of check boxes. Radio buttons force a single selection to be
made, so the valid selection of No PIDs Enabled has to be provided,
which means no PIDs are authorized for output on the async port.