S R A / S F X 2 1 0 0 S E R I E S S A T E L L I T E R E C E I V E R
Ensure your receiver is on a surface that is stable, or if rack mounted, ensure your
unit is properly fastened in the rack.
Troubleshooting Procedures
The quickest indication of a possible problem will be evident from the front panel indicators.
Refer back to Chapter 2 on the meaning of the indicators and their associated colours.
If more detail is required, and the unit is powered, you can use the metrics information in the
Web GUI to determine what the problem might be. Refer to Chapter 4 for operation of the
metrics in the Web GUI.
If the Web GUI is not accessible, you may wish to use the Terminal Interface to ensure that
basic installation parameters and operational status are correct. Refer to Chapter 3 for
more information on the commands available with the Terminal Interface.
Record the nature of the problem and power cycle the unit. If this does not correct the
problem or at least make one of the above procedures possible, then proceed to the steps
Contacting Your Supplier
If you have determined that your satellite receiver is malfunctioning,
Please contact either your Network Service Provider (NSP) or an IDC Customer Service
Representative. The problem may be solvable over the telephone or by e-mail.
Prior to requesting assistance, record the history of the problem. Your NSP or IDC
Customer Service Representative will be able to provide more efficient and accurate
assistance if you have a complete problem description, including:
The nature and duration of the problem;
When the problem occurs;
Any particular application that, when used, appears to create the problem or make
it worse;
The model and serial number of your unit.
Shipping & Packaging
If you need to transport or ship your satellite receiver:
1. Package the unit carefully. We recommend that you keep and re-use the original
2. Prior to shipping your unit for repair or return, contact your NSP who will in turn call
an IDC Customer Service Representative for a Return Material Authorization
(RMA) number. If you are returning the unit, you should include everything you