S R A / S F X 2 1 0 0 S E R I E S S A T E L L I T E R E C E I V E R
Edit Field
This is the maximum output data rate of XD Dataman. This is
an important parameter when considering LAN utilization.
Retry Maximum
This is the number of times XD Dataman will retry to upload a
file to an FTP Server, if it not successful the first time.
Retry Delay
This specifies the interval between upload retries.
Purge Files
This specifies whether or not files are removed from the SFX
after upload to FTP Server.
Purge Delay
If file purging is enabled, this specifies the time interval after files
have been uploaded to FTP Server before file is removed from
the SFX hard drive.
If this option is enabled, any created directories will be removed
after all contained files are removed.
This field specifies the type of FTP Server (Other /Pinnacle).
FTP Server Settings:
Server Address
This is the IP Address of the FTP Server that data will be sent to
(site specific information).
User Name
This is the login User Name of the FTP Server.
This is login FTP Server Password.
This field specifies the type of FTP Server (Other /Pinnacle).