S R A / S F X 2 1 0 0 S E R I E S S A T E L L I T E R E C E I V E R
The display fields and columns in this Other PID List (Figure D-1) have a similar meaning to
the standard Other PID List fields and columns (examples shown in Chapter 4), with
following exceptions:
Column/Field Description
Route to ASI
Check boxes in this column can be used to enable PIDs to be routed
out to the ASI Port. From none to all PIDs can be selected. Any
check in a box for a PID in this list will cause that PID to appear in
the list on the ASI Port page (see Figure D-2).
The “Route to ASI” column is also provided in the Net, Async and
Sync PID Lists, as well as the Add New PID Definition and Edit PID
Definition pages. The same rules as above apply to those areas as
Figure D-2 ASI Port Page when ASI Option Installed
You can route PIDs of any type to the ASI Port. Therefore, the ASI Port Page functions in a
similar fashion to a standard PID List page, but also provides information on all PIDs that
are routed to the ASI Port, as shown in the example in Figure D-2. The additional columns
and exceptions to note are described below:
The NCC PID(s)
defined in the DVB
Carrier definitions
and reserved PIDs
0x0 to 0x20 are a
special type and
cannot be routed
out the ASI Port in
PID Mode. These
can only be routed
out in Transport
Stream Mode.