S R A / S F X 2 1 0 0 S E R I E S S A T E L L I T E R E C E I V E R
Controlling the Receiver with SNMP
The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a set of protocols for managing
complex networks. SNMP works by sending messages, called Protocol Data Units
(PDU’s), to different parts of a network, providing a standard mechanism for network control
and monitoring. SNMP-compliant devices, called agents, store data about themselves in
Management Information Bases (MIB’s) and return this data to the SNMP requestor.
The advantage of using SNMP is that its design is simple, hence it is easy to implement on
a large network. It does not take a long time to set up, puts very little stress on a network
and is easy for users to program. Its’ simple design also allows it to be easily updated so
that it can expand for future network requirements.
SNMP has been implemented in the SRA/SFX series satellite receivers to provide users
with flexibility in network management.
SNMP can be used to monitor the status, and control the configuration, of a receiver
through SNMP get and set requests. SNMP values are organized in a tree structure called
a Management Information Base (MIB). International Datacasting uses a Private Enterprise
Number of 3602 - this is the root node for SuperFlex receivers under the Enterprise node of
the MIB tree, and the number is In addition to these values the receiver
also supports the IP branch of MIB-II ( except for the IP Address Translation
A separate International Datacasting application note is provided with details on the content
of the MIB. Please proceed to Chapter 5 for more information on obtaining application
Controlling the Receiver with NetManager
Many accessible functions within the SRA/SFX series satellite receiver can also be
controlled over the satellite link, using International Datacasting’s NetManager system. This
is a secure remote control system that allows the network provider to remotely control
functions of the receiver using the Network Control Channel (NCC) that can be controlled
over the satellite link. There is potentially one NCC PID stream per DVB Carrier, and you
can configure DVB Carriers using the Terminal Interface or Web GUI, so that NetManager
control can be brought online. Not all functions can be remotely controlled via NetManager
over the satellite, as they could be site-specific configurations. Therefore, these types of
functions must be controlled locally over the LAN interfaces, using one of the other means
previously described. Please contact International Datacasting Sales or Customer Support
for more information on NetManager.