InnoMedia, Inc
All Right Reserved
Ij: Display Parameters for Jitter Buffer Operation
Is: Display the State of All Ports/Lines
Ix: Display network connection and UA registration status
Ik: Display DMS parameters
It: Display FXS Setting Parameters
M: Miscellaneous
Me: Configure DHCP parameters
Mf: Configure Hook Flash Timer
Mn: Selectable Configuration of IP Elements
Mp: Configure Phone lines
Mh: Show Syslog
Mi: Configure SNTP server
Mq: Configure Syslog server
Mm: Configure Remote Services
Mw: Configure Networking Mode
N: Configure PPPoE function
P: Provisioning
Pv: Configure Provisioning setting
Pr: Trigger Provisioning
V: Version number
R: Reset System
Viewing Current Configuration Information (Cf)
Use the "
" command to view your SIP Device’s current configuration information.
Your current configuration:
Your MTA Name= 6328-2Re
System Enable Provisioning Process = TRUE;
SYSLOG Server =;
SIP Proxy Server:
(Profile 1)
(Profile 2)
Current Local SIP Signaling Port:
(Profile 1) 5060
(Profile 2) 5060
STUN Disabled
channel 1: ptime:20 ms; G729A G729
channel 2: ptime:20 ms; G711(PCMU) G711(PCMA) G729A
G723 G726-32 G728
RTP port: 18000
Current Silence Suppression settings:
(Channel 1) Yes, send RFC3389 SID frame:No
(Channel 2) Yes, send RFC3389 SID frame:No
Current Echo Cancellation Settings:
(Channel 1) Yes
(Channel 2) Yes