InnoMedia, Inc
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Figure 9. Configuring SNMP Setting
Configuring NAT Port Mapping (for Router Device Only)
Port mapping is an advanced configuration in which the router forwards incoming
protocols to computers on your local network. You will need to determine which type of
service, application or game you’ll provide and the IP address of the computer that will
provide each service. To configure the NAT Port Mapping, follow these steps:
: For best results, a port should only be mapped to an Internal Source IP that is
static. Therefore, you should assign a static IP address to the PC or PCs that will be
forwarded any traffic by the port maps above.
Table 7. Configuring NAT Port Mapping
Step Action
Open your web browser and connect to your SIP Device.
Click on IP Network, then NAT PortMap.
Enter External Source Port number that you want to redirect to
another unit.
Choose either TCP/IP or UDP protocol.
Enter the IP address of the PC that is running the application or
game that uses this source port and protocol.
Enter the Internal Source Port you want to send it to. If the
application or service only uses one port, then the Internal Source
Port will be the same as the External Source Port.
Click the Save button to save your changes, or click the Reset
button to undo your changes.