InnoMedia, Inc
All Right Reserved
SIP cmd (INVITE) Max Retry
= The maximum number of times the SIP Device will
resend INVITE type SIP messages.
SIP Registration Expiration
= Number of seconds in which the registration to the
SIP proxy will expire.
SIP Session Timout
= Specific interval (in seconds) that SIP Device sends
a message to refresh an established phone call and
make sure it's still alive
Bullet Interval
= The time interval in seconds in which the SIP
Device will send dummy packets to proxy to keep the
firewall open
Number of Codecs/Codec List
= Shows the number of codecs available to be used by
SIP Device. The user can change the number of
available codecs by selecting from a list
DigitMap Partial Match
= (A.K.A inter-digit timeout) The amount of time in
seconds for which the SIP Device will wait till user
input a DTMF digit
DigitMap Critical Timeout
= Can be used as part of the dialing patterns specified
in digitmap to be matched by the SIP Device
Configure Call Features &
Invoke Strings
= Enable or disable call features, such as call waiting,
three-way call, call transfer, and caller ID. Also, it lets
you to configure the digit combination to invoke the
User-Agent Header
= Specified whether "User-Agent" header shall be
present or not in outgoing SIP messages
Jitter Buffer Adaptive/Static
= Set to adapt the jitter buffer to network conditions
or set the jitter buffer at a constant delay
= Specify use SIP INFO for DTMF or not
Response Code for Retry
= Set the response codes for SIP Device to attempt
registration retry. Please note that: (1) If the string is
empty, Retry Registration will always trigger no
matter what response code is; (2) If the first character
in the list is a "-", all response codes will trigger retry
registration except those codes in the list; (3) If the
first character in the list is NOT a "-" sign, only those
codes in the list will trigger retry registration.
Retry Registration Interval
= The time interval in seconds in which the SIP
Device will retry registration when the retry interval
SIP PING Interval (sec)
= The time interval in seconds between every ping
SIP PING Proxy Require
Header String
= Specify if SIP Ping Proxy require Header string or
SIP External IP address
= External IP address of WAN router if SIP Device is
connected to LAN of a SOHO router
Header size limitation
= Enable or disable header size limitation. Enable the
feature will shorten the SIP message and reduce the
message size.
Digitmap Early Quit
= Enable or disable Digitmap Early Quit. When
enabled, calls that do not match with the digitmap will
not be sent to the proxy. Local plays busy tone.
SIP INFO or NOTIFY message
= Enable or disable use SIP INFO or NOTIFY
message to send flash event.
PRACK Support
= Enable or disable PRACK (100rel) support in Invite
and 180 messages.
Digitmap Early Quit FW
= The phone number to forward the call when there is
no matched digimap
G729A Variant for SDP offer
= Enable or disable applying G729A Variant for SDP