9. Error Handling > PCI as Originating Interface
PEB383 User Manual
July 25, 2011
Integrated Device Technology, Inc.
Confidential - NDA Required
Uncorrectable Address Error
When the PEB383 detects an Uncorrectable Address Error, and parity error detection is enabled using
the S_PERESP bit in
“PCI Bridge Control and Interrupt Register”
, the bridge takes the following
Transaction is terminated with a Target Abort and discarded
D_PE bit is set in
“PCI Secondary Status and I/O Limit and Base Register”
independent of
S_PERESP bit in
“PCI Bridge Control and Interrupt Register”
“PCI Secondary Status and I/O Limit and Base Register”
UADD_ERR bit is set in
“PCIe Secondary Uncorrectable Error Status Register”
Header is logged in the Secondary Header Log register and ERR_PTR is updated in the
Secondary Error Capabilities and Control Register”
if UADD_ERR Mask bit is clear in
Secondary Uncorrectable Error Mask Register”
and ERR_PTR is not valid
Error Fatal or Non-Fatal message is generated on PCIe as per the severity level of UADD_ERR bit
“PCIe Secondary Uncorrectable Error Severity Register”
if UADD_ERR Mask bit is clear in
“PCIe Secondary Uncorrectable Error Mask Register”
and either SERR_EN bit is set in
or FTL_ERR_EN/NFTL_ERR_EN bit is set in
“PCI Control and Status Register”
if an error message (Fatal/Non-Fatal) is
generated and the SERR_EN bit is set in
“PCI Control and Status Register”
FTL_ERR_DTD/NFTL_ERR_DTD bit is set in
“PCIe Device Control and Status Register”
Uncorrectable Attribute Error
When the PEB383 detects an Uncorrectable Attribute Error and parity error detection is enabled via the
Parity Error Response Enable bit in
“PCI Bridge Control and Interrupt Register”
the following actions:
Transaction is terminated with a Target Abort and discarded
D_PE bit is set in
“PCI Secondary Status and I/O Limit and Base Register”
independent of
S_PERESP bit in
“PCI Bridge Control and Interrupt Register”
“PCI Secondary Status and I/O Limit and Base Register”
UATT_ERR bit is set in
“PCIe Secondary Uncorrectable Error Status Register”
Header is logged in the Secondary Header Log register and ERR_PTR is updated in the
Secondary Error Capabilities and Control Register”
if UATT_ERR Mask bit is clear in
Secondary Uncorrectable Error Mask Register”
and ERR_PTR is not valid
Error Fatal or Non-Fatal message is generated on PCIe as per the severity level of UATT_ERR bit
“PCIe Secondary Uncorrectable Error Severity Register”
if UATT_ERR Mask bit is clear in
“PCIe Secondary Uncorrectable Error Mask Register”
and either SERR_EN bit is set in
or FTL_ERR_EN/NFTL_ERR_EN bit is set in