13. JTAG > JTAG Register Access
PEB383 User Manual
July 25, 2011
Integrated Device Technology, Inc.
Confidential - NDA Required
DR[16:0] = 17b’0
: Bit 0 is shifted first, and bit 66 is shifted last.
Move to the “Run-test idle” state and loop in this state for a minimum of 20 TCK cycles.
Move to the “Shift-DR” state again and shift the Ready bit and Error bit through JTAG_TDO (see
First bit shifted out is the Ready bit.
Second bit shifted out is the Error bit.
Verify that the Ready bit is at logic high and the Error bit is at logic low.
: To prevent corruption, the DR register must be loaded as described in step 2 while
shifting out through JTAG_TDO for observation.
Go back to step 2 to perform another write.
Read Access to Registers from JTAG Interface
Complete the following steps to read a device register through the JTAG Interface:
Move to the TAP controller “Shift-IR” state and program the instruction register with IRAC
instruction by writing into Instruction Register bits with 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFD.
This step is optional if the instruction register is already programmed during the write cycle.
Move to the “Shift-DR” state and shift the R/W = 0 and the address[9:0] serially in the TDI pin. To
prevent corruption of unused bits, the full DR bits have to be written as follows (see also
DR[66:62] = 5b’0
DR[61:52] = ADDR[9:0]
DR[51] = R/W
DR[50:19] = DATA[31:0]
DR[18:17] = 2b’0
DR[16:0] = 17b’0
: Bit 0 is shifted first, and bit 66 is shifted last.
Move to the “Run-test idle” state and loop in this state for a minimum of 20 TCK cycles.
Move to the “Shift-DR” state again and shift the Ready bit, Error bit, and data[31:0] out through
First bit shifted out is the Ready bit.
Second bit shifted out is the Error bit.
1. Note that the address here is the DWORD address, not the byte address. Take the byte address and remove the 2 LSBs, >>2.