Peripheral Component
Interconnect Express
A computer bus PCI, which uses the existing PCI
programming concepts and communication standards, but
builds a faster serial communication system. Intel is the main
sponsor for PCIe. PCIe is used only for internal
interconnection. A PCI system can be transformed to a PCIe
one by modifying the physical layer instead of software. PCIe
delivers a faster speed and can replace almost all AGP and PCI
A mechanism that allows a backup device to automatically
take over services from a faulty device to ensure uninterrupted
running of the system.
redundant array of
independent disks
A storage technology that combines multiple physical drives
into a logical unit for the purposes of data redundancy and
performance improvement.
A special computer that provides services for clients over a
system event log (SEL)
A non-volatile area and interfaces used to store system events
for later fault diagnosis and system recovery.
A.1.5 U-Z
A unit defined in International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) 60297-1 to measure the height of a cabinet or chassis. 1
U = 44.45 mm
UltraPath Interconnect
A point-to-point processor interconnect developed by Intel.
A.2 Acronyms and Abbreviations
FusionServer Pro 2288H V5 Server
User Guide
A Appendix
Issue 08 (2019-10-30)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.