Paper Pick Roller 1-4
Paper Release Lever
identifying for paper 1-5
using 7-4
Paper Supports 1-4
Paper Tray 1-4, 3-1
Paper Width slider 3-13
adding graphics 4-6
annotation tools 4-1
annotations 4-7
attached files 6-3
Command Bar 2-3
copying items 4-2
cropping items 4-3
deleting items 2-6
Desktop View 2-8
displaying and hiding elements 2-5
error messages 7-14
exporting files 5-1
fax link 3-8
features 2-1
files 5-1
freehand annotation 4-5
highlighting 4-4
importing files 5-1
installing software 1-8
linking to applications 6-1
Markup text 4-4
OCR link 3-11
OLE 5-7
Page View 2-14
pasting items 4-2
preferences 2-4
printing to 5-3
saving items 2-5
searching 5-4
settings 7-8
specifications A-1
spreadsheet link 3-11
stacks 2-10
Sticky Notes 4-3
Summary Information 2-13
thumbnails 1-10
undoing actions 2-7
Viewer 2-16, 6-2
views 2-2
word processing link 3-11
PaperPort Printer link 3-2
PaperPort software
annotations 3-8
error messages 7-14
online help 1-10
reading faxes 3-8
registration 1-11
software 1-2
testing 1-9
tutorial 1-10
uninstalling 1-12
parallel cable
identifying 1-3
IEEE-1284 compliant 1-6
parts, HP LaserJet Companion 1-3
annotations 4-9
between applications 4-2
error message 7-14
graphics 4-6
selections 2-14
PC Paintbrush files 5-1
PCX file format 5-1
files 5-1
scanning 3-1
pictures, adding 4-6
point size, annotations 4-7
Pointer tool 4-1
connector 1-5
cord 1-3
cord, troubleshooting 7-1
supply, identifying 1-3
Power Connector 1-5
links 6-4
PaperPort 2-4
preprinted forms 4-4
printable area 7-9
Printer link icon 6-1
copying to 3-2
network 1-9, 3-2, 7-9
PaperPort supported A-1
problems 7-1
requirements 1-2
items 2-8
PaperPort, to 5-3
problems 7-8, 7-9
single copies 3-2
troubleshooting 7-8
Direct Copy 7-8
e-mail 7-12
SEE ALSO error messages
exporting 7-11
fax 7-10
files 7-11
format 7-10
HP LaserJet Companion 7-2, 7-6
importing 7-11
OCR 7-10
printing 7-8, 7-9
SEE ALSO troubleshooting
Windows 7-2
publishing, desktop, files 5-1
adjusting 3-13
copy 3-4, 3-5
images 5-2
scanning 3-13, 7-5