2.1.2 Installation Space
The installation diagram of the frequency inverter is as follows:
Monomer installation: the size of A is larger than 150
mm, because the upper and lower directions are air ducts,
the space distance should be increased.
When installing up and down: when installing the
frequency inverter up and down, please press the heat
insulation baffle as shown in the figure on the right.
The mechanical installation needs to pay attention to
the heat dissipation problem, so please pay attention to
the following points:
Please install the frequency inverter vertically so
that heat can be dissipated upwards. If there are more
frequency inverters in the cabinet, it is better to install
them in parallel. For occasions requiring mounting up and
down, please refer to the schematic diagram on the right
side to install the heat insulation deflector.
For applications with metal dust, it is recommended
to install the radiator outside the cabinet. At this time, the
space inside the fully sealed cabinet should be as large as
Mounting bracket must be flame retardant material