Figure 5 - 09 FDT level diagram
F4 - 28 frequencies reaches detection width
0.00 ~ 100 % (maximum frequency) [0.0 %]
When the operating frequency of the frequency inverter is within a certain range of the target frequency, the
multi-function (04) DO of the frequency inverter outputs an on signal.
This parameter is used to set the detection range of frequency arrival and this parameter is a percentage of the
maximum frequency. Figure 5 - 10 is a schematic diagram of frequency arrival.
Figure 5 - 10 schematic diagram of frequency arrival detection amplitude
F4-29 random arrival frequency detection value 1
0.00 Hz ~ maximum frequency [ 50.00 Hz ]
F4-30 random arrival frequency detection width 1
100.0% [0.0%]
F4-31 random arrival frequency detection value 2
0.00 Hz ~ maximum frequency [ 50.00 Hz ]
F4-32 random arrival frequency detection width 2
100.0% [0.0%]
When the output frequency of the frequency inverter is within the positive and negative detection range of any
frequency detection value, the multi-function DO (No. 26 and No. 27) outputs on signal
HV610 provides two groups of random arrival frequency detection parameters, setting frequency values and
frequency detection ranges respectively. Figure 5 - 11 is a schematic diagram of this function.
Output voltage
FDT lag
Output voltage
Setup frequency
Detection width