— PWM mode
PWM output can be provided with an arbitrary duty cycle. With synchronization, up to
five-phase PWM output is possible
Phase counting mode selectable in channel 2
Two-phase encoder output can be counted automatically.
Three additional modes selectable in channels 3 and 4
— Reset-synchronized PWM mode
If channels 3 and 4 are combined, three-phase PWM output is possible with three pairs of
complementary waveforms.
— Complementary PWM mode
If channels 3 and 4 are combined, three-phase PWM output is possible with three pairs of
non-overlapping complementary waveforms.
— Buffering
Input capture registers can be double-buffered. Output compare registers can be updated
High-speed access via internal 16-bit bus
The 16-bit timer counters, general registers, and buffer registers can be accessed at high speed
via a 16-bit bus.
Fifteen interrupt sources
Each channel has two compare match/input capture interrupts and an overflow interrupt. All
interrupts can be requested independently.
Activation of DMA controller (DMAC)
Four of the compare match/input capture interrupts from channels 0 to 3 can start the DMAC.
Output triggering of programmable timing pattern controller (TPC)
Compare match/input capture signals from channels 0 to 3 can be used as TPC output