Section 8 DMA Controller
8.1 Overview
The H8/3048 Series has an on-chip DMA controller (DMAC) that can transfer data on up to four
When the DMA controller is not used, it can be independently halted to conserve power. For
details see section 20.6, Module Standby Function.
8.1.1 Features
DMAC features are listed below.
Selection of short address mode or full address mode
Short address mode
— 8-bit source address and 24-bit destination address, or vice versa
— Maximum four channels available
— Selection of I/O mode, idle mode, or repeat mode
Full address mode
— 24-bit source and destination addresses
— Maximum two channels available
— Selection of normal mode or block transfer mode
Directly addressable 16-Mbyte address space
Selection of byte or word transfer
Activation by internal interrupts, external requests, or auto-request (depending on transfer
— 16-bit integrated timer unit (ITU) compare match/input capture interrupts (four)
— Serial communication interface (SCI channel 0) transmit-data-empty/receive-data-full
— External requests
— Auto-request