5.4 Using Cursors
Average: The average value of the set calculation range.
P - P: The peak-to-peak value (maximum value to minimum
value) of the set calculation range.
Max: The maximum value of the set calculation range.
Max Time: The time until the maximum value of the set
calculation range.
Min: The minimum value of the set calculation range.
Min Time: The time until the minimum value of the set
calculation range.
ON Time: The total time during which the measurement value is
higher than the set threshold value of the set
calculation range. Cannot be calculated for pulse.
OFF Time: The total time during which the measurement value is
lower than the set threshold value of the set calculation
range. Cannot be calculated for pulse.
ON Count: The number of times that the measurement value rose
above the set threshold value of the set calculation
range. Cannot be calculated for pulse.
OFF Count: The number of times that the measurement value
dropped below the set threshold value of the set
calculation range. Cannot be calculated for pulse.
Standard Deviation: The standard deviation of the set calculation range.
Integral: The integral value of the set calculation range.
Area: The total surface area covered by waveforms and
origins of the set calculation range.