Chapter 5 Elevator Dedicated Parameters GK600E User Manual
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0: Disabled
Thousands place: Leveling compensation
0: Leveling mode 1
1: Leveling mode 2
2: Commissioning mode
During commissioning, w hen the lift goes up, and control panel light FWD is on, please keep
tens place to the default: positive logic, and vice versa. This is a must to program the respective
parameters for lift up or lift dow n correspondingly. Thousands place are for GTAKE engineers
only w hen it is required at some peculiar cases, users are not suggested to change thousands
place to non-zero before sufficient communication w ith GTAKE engineers.
Brake open frequency
Range: 0.00Hz~10.00Hz
Factory default:
If start method is not DC injection brake start, w hen drive outpt frequency exceeds brake open
frequency set by F6-02, and drive output current exceeds brake open current set by F6-03, w ait
magnet time set by F6.05, brake is released.
Brake open current
Range: 0.0%~200.0%
Factory default:
Sets the minimum amount of current necessary to release the mechanical brake and initiate the
lift sequence. When the parameter value is set to 0, current check is disabled, and the lift
sequence w ill start even if the motor is disconnected from the drive.
Magnet time
Range: 0.00s~10.00s
Factory default:
Sets duration of the initial magnetizing of the motor w ith DC injection.
Brake open delay
Range: 0.00s~10.00s
Factory default:
Sets time delay betw een the open command and effective opening of the mechanical brake.
Smooth start frequency
Range: 0.00Hz~b0-09
Factory default:
Frequency reference used during the smooth start procedure.
Smooth start delay
Range: 0.00s~10.00s
Factory default: