How to view the notifications list
From the [Home] screen, tap [Lists] => [Notices and System Messages].
Notification types
The system uses three types of notifications.
• Alert notifications: notification related to your vessel, navigation and surroundings.
• System notifications: system-based messages (includes notifications from connect-
ed equipment).
How to filter the notifications list
You can apply a filter to the notifications list, reducing the number of notifications dis-
played and making it easier to find a specified notification.
1. From the [Home] screen, tap [Lists] => [Notices and System Messages].
2. Tap the [Menu] button at the top-right of the list. The filter settings appear.
3. At [Show by Type], select the filter type you want to use.
: shows all notifications unfiltered.
: shows only alert notifications.
: shows only system notifications.
4. At [From], select the start date from which you want to view notifications.
5. At [To], select the date up to which you want to view notifications.
6. Tap the [<] icon to close the filter settings.
How to save the notifications list to a microSD card
1. Tap the [Menu] button at the top-right corner of the [Notifications] list.
2. Tap [Save all on SD]. The list is saved in “.csv” format (comma separated values).
If there is no SD Card inserted other than a chart card, an error message ap-
pears. Insert a blank SD Card then repeat the above procedure.