AIS SART Operations
You can be alerted to an active/test AIS SART (Search And Rescue Transponder) in
your area when the system receives the respective AIS SART sentence.
Test AIS SARTs are not shown by default. To show them, tap [Home] => [Settings] =>
[AIS and DSC], then tap the [AIS SART TEST] toggle box to select [ON].
To receive ICOM data, tap [Home] => [Settings] => [AIS and DSC], then tap then tap
the toggle box at [Receive ICOM Data] (in the [AIS] tab) to show [ON].
DSC Message Information
The DSC (Digital Selective Calling) message information feature alerts you when you
have received a DSC position request or a DSC distress call, via VHF.
If you are not on the plotter display, a notification appears. Select [Yes] if you want to
go to the plotter display.
Distress Calls are indicated as a hexagonal icon with the letter “D” at the center.
Position Requests are indicated as a square icon with the letter “P” at the center.
This feature requires connection of a DSC capable VHF that outputs the PGN
format DSC sentence (129808).
When a DSC message is received, an audible alerts is release and a notification ap-
pears. Tap the notification at the top of the screen to silence the alert.
Show/Hide the DSC Symbols
Swipe the bottom of the screen upwards to show the layered menu, then tap the toggle
box at [AIS/DSC Targets] to show [ON].
Distress Call
Position Request